Although believed by many to be a hero and the greatest explorer of all time, in my opinion, Christopher Columbus is a villian. While believing he had landed in India, Columbus landed in the Caribbean Islands near what is now the Bahamas. There he treated the islands inhabitants with little to no respect, by enslaving and even killing some of them. Columbus was greedy with his findings and lied about how much he had actually found. His exploration was nothing but one of greed and selfishness in that he wanted nothing but glory for himself. There is a large misconception today that he discovered the world was round, and that he discovered America. Neither of those of course are true. Aside from finding treasure on an already inhabited island, and opening a few doors for explorers after him, in my opinion Christopher Columbus was a selfish, greedy man and deserves the title of villain.
I agree with Maggie.Christopher Columbus is given alot more credit than he deserves. He tortured many people, did not discover America and did not keep promises to his home land. He did create a new competition for exploration, but he is certainly not a "hero".
I disagree with you Maggie. Columbus may have made some cruel and brutal descions but every step in the world has some consequences and side effects. I think that Columbus was just confused and that he is captured as a bad person because of these actions. Columbus was just trying to make a name for himself, which he did, as a hero!
After reading Maggie's post, it brings new ideas and allows me to see past the idea that Columbus was just a hero during his time. He was selfish in his findings and although he did make many discoveries that helped lead to other explorations, he wanted glory for himself. He was determined in exploring the New World so he would beome wealthier and more popular.
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